Friday, February 22, 2019

Books are Best Friends

We do so many activities for entertainment, but one is really missing a lot out on a lot if he/she doesn’t read. Reading is one of the best habits one can inculcate since it helps you relax, is a source of entertainment, and improves your language.

Creating a bedtime ritual of reading makes it a lot easier to sleep. That’s why it’s better to turn some pages instead of staring at a screen before switching off the light.

Another example on how reading relaxes you, is that it takes you away from the stresses of everyday world and makes you explore the amazing worlds in books. For example, if you just came from a long day at work, you can open a book and travel through its events, places, and times.

Add to that, reading is a great way of entertainment. Its much cheaper than going to the theater or many other forms of entertainment. You can read for free in public libraries! Why would you waste your time on pricy entertainment activities when you can benefit from reading?

Reading also enriches one’s language. The more you read, the more words you are exposed to, the more your vocabulary expands. Plus, reading has a huge impact on one’s writing. For instance, if the book’s author uses similes and metaphors, you’ll find yourself automatically using similes and metaphors in your own writing.

When you develop the habit of reading, you are relaxing, entertaining yourself, and helping your language at the same time! Reading is an experience of seeing a whole new world!

Rafah Khateeb
Grade 7

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My 5 Senses

Grade 1 students share their books about the 5 senses!